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SEJ Practice Workshops

SEJ Practice Workshops Information

The SEJ Practice Workshops are a key and critical part of learning the SEJ Process, as this is where you get to practice what you have learnt. The SEJ training covers the theory of the SEJ in great detail, but the real change and benefit comes from your practice of the SEJ, it is therefore best to attend regular workshops to enhance your practice of the SEJ Process. 


When and where do I join?


The SEJ Workshops are a live online interactive event run every Monday with Mary from 7 p.m. to 8.30pm. If you are a member you will find the free link to join in your membership area, if you are not a member you can pay as you go, please register here.

Who can attend a SEJ Practice Workshop?

Open to anyone who has learnt the SEJ Process, and would like to develop their practice, ask specific questions, or would simply like more support.

During the SEJ Practice Workshop you will have an opportunity to:

1. Ask questions about the SEJ Process.
2. Obtain any practice corrections.
3. Bring examples of your SEJ Worksheets to work through.
4. Practice key aspects of the process.

Register to join


If you are a member the workshops are free as part of your membership plan, you will find the free link to join in your membership area, if you are not a member you can pay as you go, please register here.

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