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Research and Data

Kingston University provides independent research and data on the SEJ.

Over a two year period data was collected by Kingston University to prove the effectiveness of the SEJ Process.


The pie chart  above shows the feedback indicating the 3 greatest areas of concern for students which the SEJ Process gave 100% improvement in.


1. University / Career

2. Transitioning

3. Personal Wellbeing

The research data shows a 100% success rate in improving students’ experiences of student life, addressing successfully stressful thoughts and areas of concern after learning and practicing the SEJ Process.

This is based upon students who fully partook in the survey.

The information we collect


-  The psychological and physiological impact of the SEJ.

-  The needs of the audience.

- Demographics and year of study.

- Participant feedback collected through questionnaires and surveys that have received ethical approval.

With this information we look at the impact of the SEJ in improving overall wellbeing and mental health, with their ability to stay mentally healthy and reach their full potential. All of which supports in improving our training and services including the delivery and timescale of training.


Measuring the impact of the SEJ


Measuring the impact of the SEJ through more in-depth study and research is our aim for this year, as we gather more data to further confirm the success of integrating the SEJ into educational settings


We are currently awaiting publication of further research material, this page will be updated when available. This additional research includes student self-evaluation using a Likert Scaled emphasising the students ability to self-reflect, the positive impact on the users physiological and psychological wellbeing, and the noteable changes experienced by the student as they use the SEJ Process.


Our Research Partners


External validation is essential in showing the success of the SEJ through research, impact, data and evaluation. We are therefore grateful to Dr. Howard-Kishi who has been an advocate of the SEJ for 15 years, and her fellow academics for their continued support.

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